Monday, September 27, 2010

Hahahaa... Kion's 1st Pet!!!

Hehehee, who would have thought that Kion would have her 1st pet at 32mth old... And, the pet she actually got 4 herself r 3 fat goldfishes=p... Me, 4 one wouldn't had expected as she had never b4 mentioned that she liked fishes (it was puppy all the while which she had been urging us 2 buy).

Anyway, the story goes like this, Kelvin & Daddy brought us 2 a few fish farms again on a sunny saturday afternoon(25th Sept 2010), then at 1 of the fish farm, Rainbow, I think, Winnie saw some, dunno what breed of goldfish & decided that she wanted 2 keep some at her home... Then Kion, being the busybody, realized that her 'ah yi' catching some goldfish home as pet, decided that she too, should get some from the other tank, different breed, as pet....

As the price of the goldfishes there were 3 for $5, both Winnie & Kion each got 3 goldfishes.... & Kelvin bought a small tank specially 4 Kion 2 put her goldfishes in. Actually, the timing seems perfect cos after settling the fishes, I received a email from Teacher Bianca which says that lesson on monday(27th Sept 2010) would be on the pets they have & 2 bring a picture of their pets should they have 1.

Sunday was done with lots of coaxing & explaining 2 Kion just so that she would pose with her new pets 4 me 2 take a picture, for her 2 bring 2 school. By 8pm on sunday, I had had the photos taken, pictures printed out, but who would have expected that when we woke up this morning, 1 of the goldfish was dead=(

Well, at least we still have 2 goldfishes in the tank, & 9 kois in the water feature, previously 6, but due 2 the fish farm trip on sat, 3 more were added...

Yet 2 my dismay, both Father & daughter decided that they needed 1 more goldfish 2 makeup 4 the 1 which had died & happily brought me 2 a fish farm along Jalan Kayu 2 make their purchases today afternoon=(

I am actually dead tired cos this darling daughter of mine had woke up at 6am this morning, but tot I should enter this post so tat if Kion does have a chance 2 read when she grows up, she would at least know the date she 1st kept her own pet & what her pet was...=)

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