Saturday, February 5, 2011

CNY is a festival for people like me, 2 gain weight!!!

Haiz, today is just the 2nd day of CNY & sad 2 say, I've actually gained slightly more than 1 kilo.... =(

This means that all my effort put in the gym 4 the past 2.5 weeks had gain into the drain... Ok, ok, I admit I'm greedy & cant stop myself from a second helping of Bah Kwa, cookie, pineapple tart, etc etc...

Anyway, am telling myself not to snack on the goodies from tmr onwards cos weight had been increasing slightly everyday =( Y cant I b like some others who eat as much but never get FAT!!! Sometimes I really envy those people a great deal cos havent I been battling against the weight problem since young??? Hmmmmm... but I remember saying " nothing in this world is fair!".
Yes, so y should i b treated fairly & be given a chance 2 eat & eat without getting FAT?

Anyway, got 2 find another way 2 exercise other than running in the gym cos doing the threadmill in the gym is really D*** boring!!! =( Mayb I should consider signing up 4 hot yoga @studiodog or something....

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